Storm of worries and trust in the Lord/不安の嵐と神さまへの信頼
Sachi did her CT scan for neck and lung today and the result was that there is nothing wrong in the lungs and neck. Now a mammography test is planned on Wednesday for breasts. I have only shared our detailed prayer requests in our closed Facebook page and I would like to briefly tell you our current situation.
A rather big lump (2 x 1.5 x 3 cm) was found under Sachi’s right breast/arm and diagnosed as "suspicious" after an ultrasound test. Our doctor said it could just be a non-harmful lump or it could also be a cancer. Thus the additional examinations have been booked today and on Wednesday.
It came as a big shock to Sachi and me and storms of fear and worries hit us. But though this all the Lord seems to be teaching us important lessons and today I would like to share with you one lesson that set our hearts less burdensome or lighter.
We trust the Lord and believe that the lump is not harmful but as long as there is a possibility of cancer, of course we worry and are tempted to think of the worst case.
Even way before this incident occurred, Sachi and I had talked about our death from time to time. (Christians get persecuted and even killed for the faith in Christ in some parts of the world.) Sachi always said she's not so afraid of death itself but she can't die because our children need her SO MUCH. Yes, it is so true. (I need her very much too, please don't forget me!)
But this belief that Lior and Liana desperately need the mother no matter what was actually afflicting her more than necessarily especially after the diagnosis was given.
One night, Sachi was shedding tears, thinking of the what if questions. I was besides her, feeling the worries and fear together and I knew Sachi needed to be set free from worries, then suddenly this thought came to my mind and I shared with her.
(Please don't get me wrong. I also understand how most important the mother is for her children.)
"Is it really true that the person Lior and Liana need the most is you? If you say that, aren't you taking the place of Jesus? Whether they realize it or not, the person they need the most at any cost is Jesus. We can't take our kids to heaven but He can. We can't protect our kids always but He can. Whatever happens to you and me, if they have Jesus, He WILL take care of them and they WILL be in good hands. It's written and promised in the Bible and God cannot lie. God entrusted Lior and Liana to us. So, we have the responsibility of inheriting our faith in Christ to them but they belong to Him. If we get this in deep inside us, having our kids and bringing them up is a pure privilege."
It was as if someone else was using my lips. Sachi was still crying but this time half of her tears were tears of relief/set-free. Faith grew inside us that God is good.
Whatever the result of the medical tests is, we will trust in the Lord for healing. We will fight against negative thoughts and fear because we know God loves us and He is good. Thank you for standing with us in prayers. The Lord knows how much your prayers and support mean to us now.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
During the 3 day OM Austria conference, people surrounded Sachi and prayed for God’s healing and peace for her. /3日間のOMオーストリアカンファレンスで、みんながサチを囲み、神さまの癒しと平安をお祈りしてくれました。
先ほど、サチは首と肺の CT スキャンがあり、結果は、首と肺には悪いところは見つかりませんでした。水曜日に胸のマンモグラフィーを撮りに行きます。今まではY&Yミニストリーの非公開の Facebook ページでのみ詳細な近況報告と祈りのリクエストを共有してきましたが、現在の状況を簡単にお伝えしたいと思います。
サチの右胸・脇の下に大きなしこり(2 x 1.5 x 3 cm)が見つかり、超音波検査の結果、「疑わしい」と診断されました。主治医は、良性のしこりかもしれないし、ガンかもしれないとのことで、今日と水曜日に追加に検査が予約されました。
今回のことが起こる以前から、サチと僕はときどき自分たちの死について話してきました。 (世界のある地域では、今日もクリスチャンは信仰ゆえに迫害されたり、殺されたりすることがあります。宣教師はその危険がもっとあるわけです。) サチは死そのものはそれほど恐れていないけれど、理央も理歩名もサチをとてもとてもとても必要としているので、子どもたちのことを考えると絶対死ぬことはできないと固く決心しています。(僕もサチが必要です。僕のことも忘れないでね!)でも、特に今回の診断が下された後、その決心が必要以上に彼女を苦しめていました。
1ペテロ5章7節 あなたがたの思い煩いを、いっさい神にゆだねなさい。神があなたがたのことを心配してくださるからです。