There have been some developments and we would like to share them with you.
1. The result of Sachi's Practice German Test she had done at her school has come back and she's got a passing score! Her teachers say if Sachi continues to study like she's been doing, it'd be no problem for her to pass the test. Please pray that Sachi would feel claim and confidant when she sets the test on 29 November.
2. On 24 November, the Yabe family has an official mission dispatch ceremony at the JECC (Japan Evangelical Church of Christ) pastors' council meeting. There I, Aki will be ordained as an official church worker. (I've been an assistant worker till now.) I'll then be able to conduct baptism, communion, etc.
Until now, when people wanted to get baptized, I would get an approval from senior pastors beforehand. But in Austria, I could baptize believers only with the consensus of the team and the local church. This will be helpful especially when visiting refugees at home. With the power of the Holy Spirit, I long to lead as many people as possible to the Lord Jesus Christ.
3. With the situation improved, we would now like to leave for Austria at the end of December or the beginning of January.(Not confirmed and the situation can change at any time) The Austrian government has opened its border again and it seems possible for us to travel without PCR test or 14 days quarantine upon arrival. We have found a reasonable airplane ticket on 29 December via Turkey. (Other days are very expensive)
OM Austria has never received a family outside of EU and many things are unknown in its process. But Alena Werner, the OM Austria office staff who is very diligent and hard-working, has been amazingly helpful in our preparations, and Gernot and Susanne Spindler, our team leaders, have been very supportive and encouraging since the day we first applied for OM Austria.
Please pray for Alena and Gernot and Susanne for God's wisdom and strength as they prepare for our coming.
We wholeheartedly thank you for your prayer support!
Please pray for Alena. アレーナのためにお祈りお願いします。
Please pray for Spindlers and their four children. スピンドラー夫妻& 4人の子どもたちのためにお祈りお願いします。
① 先日、ドイツ語学校で行ったサチの公式模擬試験の結果が戻ってきて、合格点を獲得しました!先生たちも、サチが今まで通り学習を続ければ、問題なく合格するだろうと言ってくれました。(辛口ドイツ人の言葉なので、信頼します!) 11月29日に東京で試験を受けますが、サチが緊張しすぎることなく、本来の自分を試験で出せるように共にお祈りお願いします。
② 11月24日、矢部ファミリーはJECC(日本キリスト宣教団)の評議委員会で宣教派遣式を行います。そこで僕は、教団の本教師としての按手を受けることになりました。(今までは補教師でした。)按手を受けると、洗礼や聖餐式などを行うことができるようになります。
③ 状況が改善したので、12月末または1月初めにオーストリアに向けて出発したいと思っています。(実際に渡航できるかはまだ未確定。状況は常に変わっています)オーストリア政府は再び国境を開き、PCR検査や到着時の14日間の検疫なしで旅行することを可能にしました。12月29日トルコ経由のリーズナブルな航空券を見つけました。 (他の日はとても高いです)