Departure Date confirmed /出発日決定
Thank you for your prayer support. Our departure date for Austria has been confirmed. We will leave Japan on 29 December.
Here is the email from OM Austria:
Hi together, (Email to OM staff)
I have good news for you: We have just received the confirmation for a temporary accommodation! The FCG church in Linz is willing to provide you with their flat for the first weeks (months) in Austria. The address is .....
Thank you all for praying with us!
So now we can move on:
@Akihiro Yabe (JP): You can buy your flight tickets as planned and will arrive in Austria on the 30th of December.
Aki and I are currently working on the preparation of the required personal documents. ... This means that you will be insured from the day you arrive. I will send you the documents by email as soon as I receive them.
I don’t think there will be any problems with your entry under the current regulations. But as a precaution I will send you an invitation letter in due course.
Please contact me, if you have any questions!
I’m really looking forward to seeing you in Austria.
Many Blessings,
Now, we have only one and half month left in Japan and we need to very quickly prepare and provide the necessary documents for the visa application, etc. But the city office and the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs are not functioning as normal due to the corona crisis, and the procedure delay would be expected. Please pray that the Lord would have mercy on our preparations.
PLEASE also pray for Lior. When we received the exciting email from Austria, Lior was crying loudly because he said he doesn't want to leave his good friends in Japan.
Sachi has been learning about the "Third Culture Kids (TCK)" (The culture of the country where the parents were born is the first culture, the culture of the country where the children are currently living is the second culture, and the children who don't belong to the culture of a specific country are the third culture kids. They don't feel pure Japanese in Japan. But no matter how fluent they speak the language of the country they live in, they are always considered "foreigner.")
Lior and Liana will be the TCK and would face many challenges. Please pray that the Lord would encourage and comfort Lior, and give us parents wisdom to help Lior emotionally prepare for Austria.
良いニュースです。(矢部家の)一時的な宿泊施設が確定しました。リンツのFCG教会が、オーストリアでの最初の数週間(数か月)の間、アパートを提供してくれます。住所は .....です。
•@ Akihiro Yabe(JP):航空券は、予定通り12月30日オーストリア到着のものを購入してください。